
作者&投稿:窦希 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.figure out 2.action film 3.be willing to do sth quickly 4.dress up 5.replace6.well done 7.more educationable 8. make a discussion 10从他们那儿学习了很多10、想到11、制作动画片12、面对任何各种危险13、在部队中打仗14、尽某人最大的努力做某事


3. D
4. B
5. D
6. B
7. A





  1. were  waiting, ran.

  2. was  telephoning, came.

  3. jumped, was  moving

  4. were  testing, went.

  5. didn't  want, were  all  working.

  6. was  putting, rang.

  7. was  walking, began.

  8. were  doing,were  watching.

  9. was  listening

  10. weren't  making 


1、were waiting, ran
2、was telephoning. came
3、jumped, was moving
4、were testing, went
5、didn't want, were all working
6、was putting, rang
7、was walking, began
8、were doing, were watching
9、was listening
10、wasn't making

1, are waiting; runs
2,am telephoning; comes
3,jumps; is moving
4,are testing ; goes
5,doesn't want; all are working
6,is putting; rings
7,am walking; begins
8,were doing; were watching
9,was listening
10,were not making

1)were waiting / ran 2)was telephoning / came 3)jumped / was moving 4)were testing / went 5)doesn't want / are all working 6)was putting / rang 7)was walking / began 8)were doing / were watching 9)was listening 10)were not making

答:36 having 37 eating 38 loves 39 tomatoes 40 same 41 right 42 vegetables 43 food 44 Its 45 has 46 carrots 47 interesting 48 find 49 photos 50 happy 51 a 52 them\ 53 have 54 But 55 to go 56 to 57 finds 58 is 59 gives 60 in ...

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答:3、impolite 不礼貌 4、progress make great progress 取得巨大进步 5、receive receive…from sb. 从某人那里收到……6、album 相册

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请英语高手帮忙翻译下面一段话 迅速采纳
答:difficulty getting the products to the port.2. The customs will stop industries from registering after the seventh of Feburary.So even if the products are ready, there is not enought time for us to deliver the products to you.希望能帮到你!【译界※新星】翻译团 为你真诚解答!

答:am interest in Chinese,I have a happy family,I have a handsome father and a beatiful mother,a young grandma.my favorite color are white and pink.my favorite fruits is mango and my favorite singer is Jay Zhuomy favorite animal is panda.I love my family!请采纳我的答案,谢谢!

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答:立的公司吗?如果是,在贵经营的SPA产品方面我们可以给予您很大的帮助。if it is,in your business SPA products that we can give you a great help 中国的春节即将来临,为了给客户更好的产品和服务,我们利用这个时间,spring festival is closing, in order to provide better products and service...

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答:the lives of millions of beings, endowing humankind with its habitat, day and night.A: You are indebted to Heaven as its broad breast feeds winds, frost, rains and snow, and selflessly nourishes every you and me the he loves.保证答案正确,请放心使用,并及时采纳。谢谢!