
作者&投稿:彭梅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 在工作中,经常要遇到需要别人帮助。那么一封礼貌的邮件帮我们更好的达到目的。在邮件的开头介绍自己,以及当前非常需要帮助的处境。表达打扰到别人的歉意,和对别人帮助的感激之情。

1. 请别人帮忙(发文件等等)Email Etiquette

At your convenience, would you please send me.....

最后加上Thank you for your assistance.

2. 寻求意见:Email Etiquette

Our team would appreciate your insights/input on.....

Due to the short time frame for this proposal, prompt reply is greatly appreciated.

3. 取消会议: Email Etiquette

I want to be mindful of your time and we don’t have any updates at this point; therefore I suggest that we cancel/reschedule today's meeting. If you disagree or need assistance, please let us know.

My apologies for the late notice, but i need to reschedule tomorrow's call. There remain a few open items we need to address, therefore i will send out a new invite once we agree upon a time.

4. 对方发邮件问问题时,回答完加上: Email Etiquette

Hope this answers your question. Let me know if further detail/explanation would be helpful.

5. 会议总结: Email Etiquette

Thank you for making time on a very busy Friday afternoon to join our discussion. i hope we were able to provide clarity on......Attached is a summary of what we discussed today.

6. 道歉: Email Etiquette

My sincere apology for this unfortunate situation; I will address to my team immediately.

Again,please accept my most sincere apology.

7. 跟客户分享项目进展以后,建议电话详谈: Email Etiquette

Once these final steps are finished, I would suggest having a brief call to discuss our findings and recommendations for next steps.  Would you please provide a few times the week of XXX that work within your schedule and I will send the calendar invite?

8. 文件打了草稿,请求上司过目: Email Etiquette

Attached is the drafted xx file. It is still a work in process but I would like to see if anything immediately stood out to you as odd or worthy of follow-up.

9. 分享2个不错的automatic reply,去旅游或者外地开会的时候可以用:

Thank you for your e-mail. I will be out of the office on vacation from XXX - XXX with no access to e-mails. I apologize for any delay in response to your e-mail. I will respond to your e-mail as quickly as I can when I return to the office on Monday, April 18th. Thanks!

Thank you for your e-mail. I am out of the office in meetings on XXX and XXX with limited access to e-mail. If you need immediate assistance, please contact me via my mobile phone.  Thank you!

10. 指点下属: Email Etiquette

Thanks for preparing the XXX. I made the following updates to the question responses.  We can discuss my thought process when I am in the office on Monday.

XXX, good job! I have reviewed the XXX documents and have the following review comments:



(将做好的文件交给老板检查以后,通常会有Review Comments,就是列出需要改的部分)

11. 邮件问好: Email Etiquette


I hope that your week is off to a great start.

Hope you had a great weekend.

(美国人好喜欢用hope 哈哈)


Hope you’re well/Hope you are doing well.

I hope this message finds you well.

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答:4、告诉对方收到邮件了:对方给你发邮件,通知你一些事情,你回信表示知道了,收到邮件,这时候可以用。Well received.Noted with thanks.5、希望对方帮忙做什么事情:I would really appreciate it if./At your convenience, would you please.寻求意见:Our team would appreciate your insights/input ...

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