
作者&投稿:徐封 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


As the captain of China,Beijing has been the most popular city of china.So more and more people want to visit Beijing.
I think the best time to visit Beijing is spring ,for the weather of that time is very fine ,neither too hot nor too cold .

In the afternoon, you can go to have a long walk on Tiananman Square, in order to see the city well, and then you can visit the Palace Museum. There you can see different objects of different periods. They are of great value.
In the evening, the Front Gate Walking Street is a good place to go where you can buy various kinds of souvenirs and clothes. Most buildings there have the traditional Chinese styles. Maybe you can know some history of ancient Beijing.

  I'm living in a beautiful and quiet neighborhood,and I have been living
here for years.There's a beautiful park near the neighborhood,I always take a
walk in it.And there's a shop in our neighborhood,so it's very convenient for us
to buy things.The best thing is my neighbors are very friendly.I love my
neighborhood very much.

  My neighbors are very friendly to me.We just like good friends.I am always
chatting with them after dinner.I like to talk with them,we talk about the
current news,the popular singers,the same hobbies and so on.

Yesterday was a very busy day. My uncle came back from Canada. Morning, mother father waiting for him at the airport. Watch my little sister to stay at home, but also sweeping, washing dishes, hanging clothes. Afternoon, I have to do homework and practice, to test the day after tomorrow because at night, we go shopping with his uncle.
回答者: 影洛妍 - 经理 四级 4-4 11:27
Yesterday was a very busy day. My uncle came back from Canada. Morning, mother father waiting for him at the airport. Watch my little sister to stay at home, but also sweeping, washing dishes, hanging clothes. Afternoon, I have to do homework and practice, to test the day after tomorrow because at night, we go shopping with his uncle.
回答者: 20060190 - 探花 十一级 4-4 11:32
Yesterday was a very busy day. My uncle came back from Canada. In the morning, mother and father were waiting for him at the airport. I have to look after my little sister to stay at home, I was also sweeping, washing dishes, hanging clothes. In the Afternoon, I have to do my homework and practice, to test the day after tomorrow because, at night, we go shopping with uncle.


Yesterday was a very busy day. My uncle came back from Canada. Morning, mother father waiting for him at the airport. Watch my little sister to stay at home, but also sweeping, washing dishes, hanging clothes. Afternoon, I have to do homework and practice, to test the day after tomorrow because at night, we go shopping with his uncle.

Yesterday was a very busy day. My uncle came back from Canada. Morning, mother father waiting for him at the airport. Watch my little sister to stay at home, but also sweeping, washing dishes, hanging clothes. Afternoon, I have to do homework and practice, to test the day after tomorrow because at night, we go shopping with his uncle.

Yesterday was a too busy day. My uncle came back from Canada. In the morning, father and mother waiting for him at the airport. I must to watch my little sister to stay at home, but also sweeping, washing dishes, hanging clothes. In the afternoon, I have to do homework and play the piano, because I will test the day after tomorrow. In the evening, we go shopping with my uncle.

Yesterday was a very busy day. My uncle came back from Canada. In the morning, mother and father were waiting for him at the airport. I have to look after my little sister to stay at home, I was also sweeping, washing dishes, hanging clothes. In the Afternoon, I have to do my homework and practice, to test the day after tomorrow because, at night, we go shopping with uncle.


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