
作者&投稿:印质 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Your goods was shiped on 21st, but delayed because of custom routine examine. This is not usually happen but due to your pointed forwarder. We have to pay $1200 for the custom checking. We needn't pay so much under normal condition.

Taiwan farming area accounts for about 1/4 of the land area, is rich in rice, a year has two to three mature, quality is good, yield is high; the main economic crops are sugar and tea. Vegetable varieties of more than 90, plant area is next to paddy. Taiwan is known as the" fruit of the kingdom" reputation, a wide variety of fruits. Flower production are also considerable.

伴随着高新技术的迅猛发展,信息技术的广泛应用,人类社会进入了一个全新的时代——知识经济时代。新经济时代的竞争,是知识的竞争,是信息的竞争,但归根结底是人才的竞争。Accompanied by the rapid development of high-tech and the extensive application of information technology, human society has entered a new era —— the era of knowledge economy. The competitiveness of the new economy time is the competition of knowledge, the competition of information. But in the last analysis, it is a competition of talent. 人力资源是企业的第一资源,人力资源管理是企业所有管理工作的核心。在这种环境下,企业面临着更加激烈的竞争。而“人事外包”可以帮助企业提高效率、赢得竞争优势。
Human resources are the primary resources, human resource management has been the core of all managerial jobs in a corporation . Under such circumstances, enterprises will be confronted with more fierce competition. But "Human Resource Outsouring " can help companies improve their efficiency and gain competitive advantage.
In view of this, I have carried out an investigation among the 100 signed costomers and potential customers in a human resources agency.
The survey consists of several aspects: enterprise scale,payment of employees social insurance,archives management,handling of labor disputes,etc. Then I have got a comprehensive understanding of Human Resource Outsouring .
According to the survey,each company has situations that differ from others when it comes to Human Resource Outsouring at present.
And in response to the problems in these situations,this article has presented its views on payment of employees social insurance,archives management,handling of labor disputes,the purpose and risk of existence of Human Resource Outsouring service,ect.So that we can have a better comprehension on Human Resource Outsouring and make most use of it,it will play a greater role in human resources and adapt itself to the development trend of the era and the society.


Along with the rapid development of high technology, the extensive application of information technology, human society has entered a new era of knowledge economy era. The new economic era, the competition is the competition information, knowledge is the competition, but ultimately is the talent competition. Human resource is the first resource, human resources management is the core enterprise of all management work. Under such circumstances, the enterprise faces more intense competition. "Hr outsourcing" can help enterprises to improve efficiency and gain a competitive advantage.
In view of this, I to a human resources agency of 100 has signed and potential customers in a survey activities. From the enterprise scale type, staff files management, and security payment for labor dispute processing enterprise hr outsourcing status. Through the investigation found that the company's hr outsourcing currently exist in different situations. According to the situation and the problems faced by workers, this paper from social security pay and file management, labor dispute processing, hr outsourcing service purpose and risks etc. To put forward their views and Suggestions, which can better understand and use of hr outsourcing, in the human resources plays a more important role, and the social development of times.

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