
作者&投稿:畅佳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Life is a circle, a complete circle no matter how long it is. You are meant to be loved during this circle so that you can always have hopes. I have two definations for a "perfect day": one is busy week days on which you can bury yourself into work, the other one is kind of the opposite of the first kind which is days that you spend to enjoy your one-day's circle life by doing whatever you want to do without thinking about all your pressure of work, it is just like sunrises and sunsets that accompany us everyday.

No google translate. Hope it helps. BTW, I agree with the word above, cuz I am experiencing those recently and can feel the same way.


It is so difficult for the childhood partners to get together again since I began to work, I saw Amanda again . She showed us excellent billiard skills she acquired several months ago ,but she eventually died on the billiard table. moreover,she is getting funnier and funnier and always saying that I am quite aware that I have got fatter and sophisticated ,I also know that you do not all like my short hair .I made an oath that I would hit you with billiard ball if you were found to mention it again .

Linda had a surprising comment that when she was studying abroad in UK, she met a stranger during an excursion and gave her first kiss to that guy. This makes me feel that youth is so good that we can do all kinds of crazy and amazing things.
Nick said when you want to do something crazy, then just do it without telling anybody. He said it in a funy way which made all of us laugh out loudly. No wonder he won the Most Popular Prize at last!

Linda really suprised us, she said she has been met a stanger in a excursion when she was study in UK, and she gave her first kiss to him after they know each other for 5 mins. That's make me feel good to be young--you can do all the crazy thing that what ever you want.

Nick said, if you want to do something crazy, just do it without telling anybody. The way he talks is very humorous and everyone just can't stop laugfing. I think that's why he got the prize for 'The Most popular Prize'

Linda stunned the world, saying that when she was study aboard in England, she met a stranger on the way in her excursion once, and she gave him her first kiss just five minutes after they knowing each other. I couldn't help to think how nice to be young, as can do all kinds of daring and crazy things.

Nick said, if you came out with something crazy things that you want to do, just do it directly, do not need to tell anyone. He spoke in very humorous way, that makes everyone in our presence all laughed non-stop. No wonder he got the most popular award in the end.

答:will be received on May 10.卫生间浴缸和花洒头、软管5月7号到酒店采购部。开关面板统一用(TCL)罗格郞。The bathtub and shower rose of bath room will be delivered to purchase department on May 7, and all switch panel will use luogelang( which is made by TCL)希望能帮到你 ...

答:After a cup of ice coffee, it is time for next arrangement.Now a day, people travel by trains, taxis and cars which make transportation just lke snapping fingers. Personally, I like to take double-decker bus during off-peak hours. The wing slowly breezes through my face and ...

答:以下是我的翻译,差不多一样的。Beware the beares of false gifts & their broken promises 要提防他们(带信人)虚假的礼物和不守信的承若 Much pain but still time 有很多痛苦,但仍有时间(去缓解)There is good out there 在外面(的世界)那里有好的 We opose deception 我们反对欺骗 Con...

答:Didn't you say you don't expect a promise?And what's your wish intend for?dosen't it for promise?你不是说不想要承诺么?那你的的这个愿望是为什么呢?不正是向我要承诺么?I am not sure what promise i should make,the only thing i've got is a sincere heart 我不知道要向你...

答:以下是我对这门课程的感觉和建议:学英语确实必须要说,而不只是照着课本读,据我观察,周围的同学读的时候都不知道自己在读什么。所以我建议每次让小组自己读完以后,您可以随机抽取一个小组上讲台用英语简单复述一下读的内容,并说出感想。The following is my feeling about this course and my ...

答:他们说劝我还是忘了你 They've told me to forget about you 他们说我能不能不要和你在一起.They asked me if I can not and you together.他们还说,你对谁都是逢场作戏,玩玩而已.And they also said that to everyone you are a player 他们说这些的时候,我都是笑着的,When they say ...

答:the police what happened. With the help of PAN and MARTIN, ALAN ROOK was arrested. Even more,they boarded the second day newspaper and rewarded.最后那句话就是说警察在ABERDEEN这个地方找到了银行的钱。我全部翻译的,不会summary。。。非专业翻译人员,不能保证一点错都没有。。。

答:纯人工翻译:After November 1st,our restaurant will cancel the promotion “paying two for one more free”,but there is a new “32% off ” promotion。Welcome。希望我的回答能对你有帮助 如果还有问题,可以问我,^_^

请英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话, 不要翻译器的,谢谢.
答:我在主管那里得知你住在江湾体育场附近,我们将会在早上九点在江湾地铁站门口接你,你看这样的时间安排合适吗?如果你觉得时间不合适,请告诉我你觉得合适的时间。I've been informed by my manager that you are living around Jiangwan stadium, We are to pick you up at nine o'clock at the ...

答:6.Opportunity is surelly very important, but having power is first 7.你要实现理想,不只是说说而已 7.You want to achieve your dream, not just say 8.梦想离你不远,所以请别忘了去奋斗 8.Dream is not very far away from you, so please don't forget to strive for it ...