
作者&投稿:司媚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


46 (1)3 2 (2)1:1 (3)不会 父亲 分离
47(1)骨髓 T (2)抗体 (3)细胞免疫 记忆细胞 (4)抗原 三
42(1) 丙酮酸 水 二氧化碳。 (2)6 (3) C6H12O6+6H2O+6O2→(酶)→6CO2+12H2O+大量能量 (4)A B

61. but now he can feel heat and cold.
62. 手术中,刘先生移植了一只手。
63, Three months ago, Mr. Liu was attached by a beast.
64. 刘先生的医生为他制定了安全治疗计划。
65. 我相信在不久的将来就能完全恢复使用我的手了。

Li Ming argued that staying up late will cause short eye-sight. While Liu Mei thought after staying up late, the next day it can be hard to concentrate in class. Zhang Lin weighed in with more harms the staying-up late can do to us. He believed that long-term staying up late can impair your memory. Lastly Liu San complemented that staying up late will leave skin problems with us such like roughness and dark spots. In conclusion, staying up late can do a lot of harms to our body functions. We should hit the bed as early as we can.

答:while( i<len && str[i]!=' ' ) ++i; string s = str.substr(j, i-j); ++i; // 指向下一个单词的首字母 vector<Hero>::iterator it; for(it = res.begin(); it != res.end(); ++it){ if( (*it).name == s ){ (*it).score++; brea...

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汉译英 求大神帮忙翻译一下
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