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~ what course to follow;
what path to follow;
which way to choose;
where to go;
What should one do?

1. 但是这次撤军的最大疑云在于,索马里的未来何去何从。
But the biggest question about the withdrawal concerns Somalia's own future.

2. 其中最受关注的就是,未来美国在冲绳岛的直升机基地将何去何从?
The biggest is the fate of an American helicopter base on Japan's southern island of Okinawa.

3. 无论此次事件何去何从,中国较大的通货膨胀问题总的来说就在于北京当局对控制经济增长的尝试和能源分配的不当。
Whatever the proximate causes this time around, China's bigger inflation problems generally trace back to Beijing's attempts to control the economy's growth and the resulting resource misallocations.

英语翻译: 历经磨难之后,你会到达一个转折点。 最好有句型讲解_百度知 ...
答:沙滩上的脚印 You walked with me 你和我一起漫步在沙滩上 Footprints in the sand 留下串串的脚印 And helped me understand Where I'm going 你让我明白了该何去何从 You walked with me When I was all alone 当我感到孤独的时候你陪我一起散步 With so much unknown Along the way 等待...

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帮我翻译一下我写的博客 翻译成英语
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答:沙滩上的脚印 You walked with me 你和我一起漫步在沙滩上 Footprints in the sand 留下串串的脚印 And helped me understand Where I'm going 你让我明白了该何去何从 You walked with me When I was all alone 当我感到孤独的时候你陪我一起散步 With so much unknown Along the way 等待...