
作者&投稿:栾苑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Certificate of Graduation(毕业证明)
Student **,male,be born on **(月) **th(日),***(年),study at the Four-year full time undergraduate program of the school from **(月),**(年)to **(月),**(年).Finish all the prescript courses of the teaching plan with score qualified.Allow to graduate and get the Bachelor of Science in the Public.Certificate No.*****.Degree Certificate No.***.

pateat universis per praesentes(特此证明)
***university registrars
**(月) **th(日),***(年)


Certificate of Graduation

Student XXX, female, is born on 14th, November, 1989, she studied in Shanghai Yangpu Senior High School from September, 2005 to June, 2008 and has successfully completed her study. Hence, she is qualified for graduation. The certificate number is XXXXXX. The number of degree certificate is XXXXXX
School (seal) Headmaster (seal)

Mr.XX, who was born in xxx and studied in our school(institute/college/university) from xxx to xxx(three-year educational system), has passed all the requisite examinations and is certificated to graduate from our school(institute/college/university) with the diploma No.xxxx.

答:School (seal) Headmaster (seal)

答:毕业证:certificate of graduation 学位证:diploma 毕业证是学生通过系统的学习,修完学校所安排的全部课程并成绩合格,由办学机构颁发的用于证明学习经历的书面凭证。学位证书,又称学位证,是为了证明学生专业知识和技术水平而...

答:Graduation certificate 本科毕业证书 Graduation Certificate Certificate No. ___This is to certify that ___, born on ___, native of ___, has been majoring in the specialty of ___ at our university/institut...

普通高等学校毕业证书 和 学士学位证书 分别怎么翻译
答:1. Diploma of General Higher Academy Bachelor's Degree Certificate 2.当今社会,竞争日趋激烈,求职、升学、落户、置业甚至是去相亲都会非常看重学历,拥有高等学校颁发的毕业证学位证就会在各种竞争中处于优势。我国历史上第...

答:from xxx to xxx(three-year educational system), has passed all the requisite examinations and is certificated to graduate from our school(institute/college/university) with the diploma No.xxxx.

答:diploma [di5plEumE]n.文凭, 毕业证书, 证明权力、特权、荣誉等的证书, 奖状 diploma [di5plEumE]n.(pl. diplomas, diplomata[-tE])公文, 文书 执照, 特许证 毕业文凭, 学位证书 荣誉证书; 奖状 a college diploma...

答:a Bachelor/Master/Doctor Degree of *** is hereby conferred on the student in **(Month), ***(Year) through verification in accordance with the requirement of PRC Regulations of Academic Degrees.(certificate...

翻译下毕业证明 200分!
答:This is to certify that Mr XXX , born in ___(Month) of ___(year),(你毕业证明上没有出生日期?如果有的话就加上吧,没有就算了) having studied in 5th class of 2008 from September, 2005 to June, 20...

高中毕业证,出生证明,本科学位证 求英文翻译!
答:高中毕业证:senior high school graduation certificate 出生证明:birth certificate 本科学位证:undergraduate certificate

答:研究生毕业证的英文:graduate diploma graduate是什么意思:n. 有学位(尤指学士学位)的人;大学毕业生v. 授予某人学位、毕业文凭等;毕业;逐渐变化,发展adj. 毕业了的linear graduation线性刻度 vernier graduation游标刻度 ...